ALDI – Clancy’s Tortilla Chips – Food Review


Look no further.

For price, quantity, quality; there’s no point looking beyond ALDI for tortilla chips.  These chips come in both “restaurant” and round styles.  They taste good.  They come in a 13 ounce bag.  They’re $1.19.   They taste slightly salty.  They hold up to salsa.

They’re there every time I go.  That’s the most important thing for me.  I used to buy “tortilla” chips at Trader Joe’s.  Trader Joe has a large variety of chips, some a little unusual.  However, once I found a chip I liked, there was a high probability on my next visit to Trader Joe’s, the chip was no longer on the shelf.  So now, at ALDI, the same chip is there (in the same location also) all the time.  I may miss out on the variety, but it’s really nice to be able to repeatedly find something I can buy without going on a search and rescue mission.

The price is right also.  With the price of branded tortilla chips seemingly tied to spot crude oil prices, it’s nice to find some realistic prices for things as simple as chips.  After all with a bag of branded chips sometimes going for between $3 and $4, they are as expensive (or more) than a pound of beef.  That’s not right especially when you start thinking that to produce that pound of beef, the cow eats at least 10 times the amount of corn that’s in the chips.

While you’re picking up the chips, check out the salsa next to it.  It’s not the best, but does double duty as both salsa and pasta sauce (huh?).

Calories about 145/1 ounce   Price  $1.19, per 13 ounce bag

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45 Responses to “ALDI – Clancy’s Tortilla Chips – Food Review”

  1. Brad Hedrick Says:

    Newcomer this site. Discovered Aldi’s Clancey’s tortilla and potato chips about a year ago. They are all we have eaten (chip-wise) since. Great taste, always available, excellent price. Other name brands do not measure up to these.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Susie Says:

    Does Clancy make any tortilla chips without salt for those of us who love the chips, but can’t have the salt?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Janice Little Says:

    I don’t know where all these ridiculous comments are coming from–likely from rival competitors. I have eaten Clancy’s chips for years and they have been tasty, sanitary having the perfect degree of crunch and taste better than the Frito Brand. All chips are inspected and taste tested for quality as part of standard manufacturing procedure. Clancy’s brand chips are a bargain offering quality and value. Gimme a break. Sound like a good deal of the comments come from people who perhaps don’t practice good oral hygiene and now they want to blame food? Smh.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Louanne Berry Says:

    I bought this and my husband and I ate less than a serving. Our mouth has been raw for 3 days and counting. Will never eat them again. Threw them away.

    Liked by 1 person

    • steveo Says:

      Thanks for adding your comments. For anyone having a bad experience with anything ALDI, or any other company, the best thing to do is take the issue back to the store manager. Also writing the company further helps insure the issue is addressed in the future. For ALDI here is their customer contact URL,

      I’m just a customer, like all of you.


  5. Cassie (Writing for Rick) Says:

    These Chips are the very best. They make a great pillow!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Marvin P. Callahan Says:

    Long ago, I had a Clancy’s chip which was hard, and I broke a tooth. Aldi’s insurance payed to have my tooth fixed. Aldi stands behind their chips. I loved Aldis then and I love shopping there today. They are special, and so are Clancy’s chips. I am eating some as I write. Aldi is a wonderful store. I get over 90% of my grocerys from them. I am listed on this page. I am Marvin P. Callahan

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Alex Reynolds Says:

    I bought a bag of clancy’s last week to go with home made guac and found an old piece of fried chicken halfway through my bag.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Karina Says:

    But are they gmo-free?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Feeling HOT HOT HOT! | Wred's Hot Meals Says:

    […] an onion): $0.33 Organic salsa (only 1/2 jar): $0.59 Cheese (stocked up from the B2G3 sale): $1.06 Tortilla chips (1/2 bag): $0.59 Pineapple slices donated from the food pantry: $0 And voila!   Grains, […]

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Marvin P. Callahan Says:

    I’ve eaten Chancys Tortilla Chips for a while. I was eating the other day and one of them was unusual shaped… kind of long like a short pencil, and it was hard. It broke my tooth, and I wondered if Clancys would help get my tooth fixed ?
    Marvin . . .


  11. Laurie Says:

    Where can I find the “hint of Lime” tortilla’s? I only found them3 x in the wrong spot in store. They are like WOW, for flavor


    • steveo Says:

      I’ve never tried these. I stopped by my local ALDI today and didn’t find them either. My guess is that these were “special purchase” items which are only available for a short time. The next time you’re there ask the ALDI staff. They probably know whether the items are available.


  12. sandy Says:

    They are made in Batavia, IL — On the back of the bag I just bought recently!


  13. steveo Says:

    This week, USDA Organic tortilla chips appeared at my ALDI. Check out yours if you’re interested in organic and/or non-GMO chips.


  14. Simply Nature Organic Corn Tortilla Chips – Food Review – ALDI | Ain't Found A Good Title Blog Says:

    […] Although the package doesn’t say so directly, it has the USDA Organic label on the front of the bag.  One of the requirements to display this label is for the product to be non-GMO.  Check out this reference and comments to this post. […]


  15. kekiweon Says:

    GMO, yes or no? We LOVE our Aldi’s and want to give them lots of money, but we must know, about the GMO!!! Somebody get Aldi’s HQ on the line. I know in Germany they are very fussy about what goes into their products there. So I am counting on Aldi’s to give me the good stuff, pure, fresh, delicious like we have come to expect on two continents. Corn chips are not very popular (big bags) in Bavaria, it seemed when I lived there. Maybe they are now. A Bavarian once told me that corn is pig food, LOL. Little Salad Bar Artichoke garlic salsa and Clancy’s White Tortilla Big Scoops are FANTASTIC if you are gluten free/lactose free. So happy about Aldi’s new GF campaign and the holiday GF recipes!!!!!


    • steveo Says:

      Got ALDI HQ online and posted their reply



      My interpretation of their reply and a brief regulation review is that, unless the product is labeled for non-GMO content or is labeled as “USDA Organic”, there may be GMO contents in the product. Unfortunately, we’ll have to assume there could be GMO ingredients used in the chips.

      I guess we’ll have to wait for the U.S. to catch up with the


      for GMO ingredient tracking and product labeling before we’ll know for sure the GMO content of our food in the U.S. It’s an issue that goes beyond ALDI and affects most other grocery retailers here also.


  16. Christine Says:

    I would like to know where they are made. The bag only states distributed by Aldi. I will not buy again until I know they are not produced in some country other than USA or Canada.


  17. Lynn Lewman Says:

    I’ve purchased the restaurant style tortilla chips many times, but this last bag was overly salted… couldn’t eat many. I hope it was just a one time thing, or I’ll be changing to another brand.
    After reading other reviews, these are just salty chips…. and I’m just now noticing ! Please lower the salt.


  18. Sherri Says:

    I like these chips but would like to know where they are made. Anyone know?


  19. Bob Layman Says:

    Totally agree on how good the blue corn chips are.

    I also agree – way too much salt.

    I would also like to know if they use GMO corn.

    I am going to look at Walmart for a lower sodium chip.


  20. Jack Says:

    Just bought 4 bags of clancys guacamole flavored tortilla chips. Although the expiration date listed is 11/06/2013 they taste old and stale. Won’t buy these again.


  21. Doug Says:

    Was wondering if the corn in these chips are GMO?
    It is not labeled one way or the other.


  22. Sandy Wireman Says:

    we prefer ALL of Clancey’s tortilla chip flavors over name brand–nacho is our favorite. Recently my husband found a bag of spicy salsa chips (only one bag) and bought them. We REALLY like these chips but we have not found any more. We live in northern Indiana…are these chips only marketed in certain areas? PLEASE bring them to the Warsaw Indiana Aldi !!!!


  23. Richard Says:

    Did you change the recipe and?or the preparation? They taste like a competitor that we didn’t like. The White Rounds were delicious and the they changed- textured, harder.


  24. Marcia Says:

    My husband and both love Clancy tortilla chips from our ALDI’s I would however like to find an unsalted version to buy since I am on a sodium restricted diet…I love chips and salsa..also ALDI brand Casa Mamisita (sp?) Who would I contact about the possibility of such a treasure…???


    • steveo Says:

      Try a web search for ‘unsalted tortilla chips’ or ‘low salt tortilla chips’. Trader Joe’s lists one. I haven’t tried them and don’t know if the listing is current.


  25. Penny Sue Says:

    I don’t care about GMO stuff.

    What I don’t like about their chips is all the salt! It’s insane! We’ve thrown out bags before because they were WAY too salty. This is from someone who loves salt; I add salt to quite a bit of my food.

    Their pretzels are the same. My wife just made some chocolate dipped pretzels with them. They are not edible; WAY too salty!

    I’m not talking about “too much sodium”. I mean raw, granular, salt directly on the surface of these products. Look at the bottom of the bag; it’s white with salt. I’m glad this stuff is so cheap but it would cost even less to make it if they didn’t use crazy amounts of salt.

    The fake Funyuns onion ring things are gross too. I liked the taste but they make me sick! No, I’m not eating too much of them. Just a couple hand fulls and I feel sick. Tried two different bags in a month; same result.

    We’re going to stop buying this crap; it’s just gross! Let alone how unhealthy this amount of salt is.


  26. Sammy Says:

    What I understand that 90% corn in the food chain is genetically modified (GMO). So real questions should be of important concern, apart from taste, if the Clancy’s Tortilla chip Bag says “organic” does it mean non-Gmo or not. GMO is under lot of criticism lately. So be aware!


    • steveo Says:

      I don’t believe there’s any claim on the bag that these chips are organic. If anyone is looking for an organic chip and/or a non-GMO chip, assume these are neither. But read the bag, I may have missed something.


  27. Paul Bennefield Says:

    Does Clancys use GMO corn for there chips


  28. Sherman Says:

    These are one of my favorite tortilla chips! Especially for the price. However last time I went they didn’t have the round style and only the restaurant style. I also believe the restaurant style taste more salty.


  29. aides luciano Says:

    i love clancys corn chips but i cant eat them so much cause of the salt piease lower the salt to 40 or 80 % thank-u so much !


  30. H zukow Says:

    Not a bad chip. It would be a lot better without soooo much salt.


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